The Development of the Toothbrush

Have you ever wondered how our beloved toothbrush came to be? Have you ever wondered how long people have been cleaning their teeth. Our dentists and team are happy to briefly go over the history of the toothbrush with you. The Ancient Toothbrush People have been making tools to clean... Read more »

Oral Health Keys: Enhanced Treatments

In order to ensure your oral health care is in good standing, and your smile is prepared for the new year, we remind you to focus on all aspects of your life to keep your teeth and gums safe. This includes practicing effective cleaning habits, avoiding unnecessary risks in your... Read more »

A Dental Contouring Might Be Involved in Treating Dental Attrition

Dental attrition is a condition that affects the integrity of the tooth enamel. It is often related to an uncorrected alignment issue between two or more teeth in your bite pattern. As one starts to wear down the tooth enamel on the other it can lead to a bevy of... Read more »

Dry Mouth Symptoms

While dry mouth is a generally recognized condition, it's not actually classified as a disorder. The condition is a result of the salivary glands forming insufficient amounts of saliva, and as a result, numerous bad side effects are created. Learn a tiny bit more about dry mouth by reading this... Read more »

What Are the Enemies of the Mouth?

Unfortunately, there are many things that can harm the smile and affect the oral health. These things are called mouth or dental enemies. The most dangerous enemies to the mouth include plaque and acid. These substances can harm your teeth and gums in more ways than you might realize. To... Read more »

Having a Routine Dental Checkup Performed Twice a Year Is Critical for Maintaining Good Oral Health

Ideally, your daily oral hygiene routine should consist of brushing your teeth twice each day, as well as flossing at least once. This is intended to remove food material, bacterial deposits, and plaque before they can harden into tartar, promote plaque acids, or promote other oral health conditions. It’s also... Read more »

Oral Hygiene During Pregnancy

Great parents look out for the best interests of their children. During pregnancy, the dental hygiene behaviors you practice (or don’t practice) can have a large impact on the health of your child — and we’re talking about more than their chompers. Please think about following these bits of guidance... Read more »

The Magic of CEREC® Crown Technology

What exactly is the magic of CEREC® Crown Technology? The main miracle is that CEREC dental crowns can be milled at your dentist’s office instead of being sent off to a lab while you wait for weeks. Though temporary crowns can be placed, they are not custom fitted to your... Read more »

Five Ways to Defeat Bad Breath

If you are looking for ideas on how to defeat your bad breath, you’ve come to the right place! Bad breath can be caused by any number of things, from food to medical conditions such as gum disease or dry mouth. Here are seven things to try first before you... Read more »

Your Child Will Need a Dental Exam in Their First Year

Your child’s long term oral health will have a significant impact on their overall quality of life. Developing good oral hygiene habits when they are young will increase their chances of maintaining those practices throughout their adulthood. Most children have their first teeth to erupt from their gums around four... Read more »