Do You Have a Toothache That Needs Attentions?

Are you currently experiencing the pain of a toothache that just isn't going away? If so, please don't be tempted to ignore the signs and delay seeing your dentist, as toothaches only tend to worsen. While you are waiting to be seen, there are some things you can do to... Read more »

Oral Health Care Exams Are Important

Have you ever considered the importance of oral health care exams? If not, you are not alone. Oddly, thousands of people put off going to the dentist putting their smile at risk every day. That is why our team here at Gubler Dental in Henderson, Nevada, is happy to talk... Read more »

Confident Smiles with Dental Veneers

Do you feel self-conscious about your smile? If so, you are not alone. Your smile is oftentimes the first thing people notice about you, so if you are not feeling confident in your smile, it shows. That is why cosmetic dentistry has begun sweeping the nation leaving a trail of... Read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Gubler Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area... Read more »